New Job

Posted by Norm on January 10, 2008 5:29 AM

In about 2 weeks time I will be starting a new job. This job was kind of surprise but a good surprise. I wasn't looking for a new job but one day just before Christmas they gave me a call, had a quick chat and two days later contracts were signed.

However many people gave me advise to not take the job for a variety reasons and lots of negativity. They place alot of doubt on my mind. But in the end I realise you have to follow your heart cause I saw the potential that they did not.

I saw the potential to build my career and ultimately to learn new skills. Jim Rohn said in one of his seminars to invest in yourself and you will become more wealthy. That is exactly what I am doing, by taking this job I am investing in my self.

As mention in my previous post How many vehicles do you have? my job is one of my primary money vehicles. So it makes sense to invest into my job.

Investing in yourself is as important as investing your money. Learn and Grow.

Ps. I am off to Nice France for work.